Find Answers

Does the internet make your head spin with conflicting information about word counts, what agents want, and how to craft a query?

Here you’ll find clear facts and answers to all your burning questions about publishing, writing, and editing.

For over fifteen years, I’ve been helping authors transform their stories, find their voice, and publish their books. I’ve got the street creds to prove it.

Tell Your Story

You’re here to tell a story. With the right tools and support, your story can be “the difference between the lightening bug and the lightening” (to quote Mark Twain).

You want to be proud of your work; after all, it’s no easy feat writing a book. Give your story the time and attention it deserves. Let’s discuss how I can best serve you and your writing goals…

Get Support

We’re social creatures and we inspire and are inspired. Certainly your book was born from learning what you know in the context of the world around you.

Cultivating a community to provide you with support is my job, participating is yours. Join my weekly writers group and get valuable feedback from me along with other writers.  Or become a part of my accountability group and stay on task with your book.